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Lightning-Fast Customer Onboarding
Save Money, Save Time, Get Results!
Stay ahead with Secure, AI-enabled End-to-End Customer Onboarding with Integrated KYC & Automated Real-time ID Verifications to onboard smarter and faster.
Automated KYC made easy in minutes.
Rapid Unlimited Customer Onboarding
Verify ID’s digitally within seconds
Upscale efficiently with Smart KYC Solutions
The Next-Gen Customer Onboarding Platform with Digital Online KYC.
Rapid, High-Volume Customer Onboarding
Quick KYC, Instant Approvals
Secure Online POI & POA Verifications
Ensure Precise Customer Authentication with Liveness Check
Online Verification of ID’s with DigiLocker
Effortless Aadhaar & PAN Validation in Seconds.
Swift Pennydrop Verification of Customer Bank Accounts
Secure Autofilling with
Pre-validated data
Accurate Wet Signature Matching with ID Proof
Digitally Secure Customer E-Sign
Authenticate Mobile & Email Securely with OTP
Empower Customers with both Assisted & DIY Options
LYIK FinTech is a highly scalable platform that meets the climbing serviceability demands of a growing customer base.
It provides the ability to introduce STP for new digital journeys at a rapid pace, diminishes the rate of rejections by Operations Teams, and accelerates turnaround times for customers.
It also leads to realisation of cost efficiencies with digital STP process for handling forms.
Implement rapid digital journeys & achieve near 100% STP compliance of forms.
Consolidate digital journeys of forms from several applications to a single, unified platform.
Provide the benefit of both assisted and fully-automated digital journeys to elevate customer experience.
LYIK's suite of products meets the stringent requirements of GDPR, CCPA, SOC2, and ISO 27001:2022, ensuring top-tier compliance. Moreover, LYIK is diligently embedding the forthcoming DPDPA guidelines into the product platform, enhancing the security landscape for both prospective and current customers.
Centralise with FormCentre and provide a magical experience to customers with automatic form-filling.
Achieve significant reduction in rejection rates from the Operations team.
Provide unmatched efficiency & control in streamlining forms lifecycle management within a single platform.
As a cloud-aware platform constructed with an APl-first methodology, LYIK FinTech is designed to seamlessly integrate with the contemporary deployment structures of leading cloud service providers. The platform prioritizes data security, boasting robust encryption and signing capabilities, ensuring full compliance with stringent data privacy regulations such as GDPR.
The platform is bundled with authentication providers like Azure Entra ID, AuthO, and Google Firebase. Its plugin architecture simplifies the integration process, allowing for seamless incorporation of additional providers.
Experience quick transformation and rapid implementation of digital journeys with LYIK Platform’s OOTB (Out-of-the-Box) capabilities.
Meet the growing serviceability demands of an expanding customer base without the need for additional resources through the highly scalable platform.
LYIK FinTech provides powerful features for data sanity checks, complex field validations, data transformation rules, data obfuscation, and to inject complex business rules, all in real-time without having to disturb the runtime infrastructure. Plus, its downstream integration capabilities ensure smooth data ingestion into your existing enterprise backends via APls.